Livestream yoga class prices

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Classes Members Concessions Visitors Yogacard (11 Classes) valid with current membership
Livestream 60 Minute Class £8.50 £5 £11 N/A
Livestream 90 Minute Class £12.75 £7.75 £16.75 £127.50 / £77.50
Livestream 120 Minute Class £16.25 £9.75 £21 N/A

Studio yoga class prices

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Classes Members Concessions Visitors Yogacard (11 Classes) valid with current membership
Studio 75 minute class £9.50 £5.00 £12.50 £95
Studio 90 minute class £14.25 £8.50 £18.50 £142.50
Studio 120 minute class £18 £10.75 £23.25 £180
6-Week Introduction Course

(Includes 3 months centre

membership + 2 beginners classes)

£85 £25
Special classes
Pregnancy £18 £13.50 £20.25
Pregnancy 6 for price of 5 class credits £90 N/A £101.25
Children & Teenagers

(By appointment. Paid termly.)

£9 (£84 per term)
Remedial / Neuro Class

(By appointment. Paid termly.)

£18 £13.50 £20.25


Members pay reduced class prices and have free access to Thursday self practice sessions at the studio. Iyengar Yoga London is a registered charity and company limited by guarantee. We rely on both membership income and yoga class fees to fund the running of the centre. Students can attend classes at the studios as visitors for a maximum of one calendar month, after which we ask that you consider becoming a member.  We encourage students to find a regular class or classes so your teachers can get to know you and your practice.

Members Annual Savings

Annual membership will save you £95 (net) each year if you attend one class per week.

Member’s annual saving (classes booked separately)
Class Visitor Price Member Price Members saving per class Saving 1 class per week (50 classes) Cost of annual membership Net Annual saving (1 class per week)
60 mins £12.50 £9.50 £3 £150.00 £55.00 £95
90 mins £18.50 £14.25 £4.25 £212.50 £55.00 £157.50
120 mins £23.25 £18 £5.25 £262.50 £55.00 £207.50

Combine Yoga Card savings with annual membership, and you’ll make big savings: £222.50 (net) if you attend just one class per week – rising to £777.50 (net) if you attend three classes per week.

Member’s saving with Yogacard (90 min class examples) – 11 classes for price of 10
Member Price Members saving/class Annual saving Annual membership Net Annual Saving
1 class per week £12.95 £5.55 £277.50 £55.00 £222.50
2 classes per week £12.95 £5.55 £555 £55.00 £500
3 classes per week £12.95 £5.55 £832.50 £55.00 £777.50

Annual Membership £55

Members are entitled to:

  • Pay reduced member rates for classes and workshops
  • Buy an Yogacard (11 classes for the price of 10) or Monthly Class Card
  • Receive free copies of our journal, Dipika
  • Receive concessions on our regular yoga class prices, if eligible
  • Use the studio for self practice on Thursdays 2.00-5.00pm

The membership fee is not refundable. Memberships cannot be extended or suspended. * An annual membership qualifies you to vote at general meetings of the company and to stand for election to the Board of Trustees after a qualifying period of 1 year. ** A 3-monthly membership is an ‘associate membership’ that does not carry voting rights.

A 3-monthly membership is included in the price of our Introduction to Iyengar yoga Courses. 


Yogacards are valid for 6 months with current membership from first use after purchase. IYL members can buy the card online. Please note that you will need to log into your account to purchase.

Studio Yogacards

90 Minute Studio Class Yogacard £142.50

11 pre-purchased studio 90 minute classes for the price of 10.

120 Minute Studio Class Yogacard £180

11 pre-purchased studio 120 minute classes for the price of 10.

Livestream Yogacards

Livestream 60 Minute Class Yogacard £85

11 pre-purchased livestream 60 minute classes for the price of 10.

Livestream 90 Minute Yogacard £127.50

11 pre-purchased livestream 90 minute classes for the price of 10.

Concessions Livestream Yogacard £77.50 The concessionary Livestream Yogacard is 11 livestream 90 minute classes for the price of 10. It is valid for 6 months from first use after purchase and is available to Iyengar Yoga London members who receive Universal Credit and have supplied proof of status. It can be purchased by calling us on +44 20 7624 3080.

In exceptional cases, such as illness or injury, we may at our discretion extend the validity of Yogacards provided that the membership remains valid throughout the period of the extension. In these cases, the bonus 11th class will not be valid. Applications for extensions to Yogacards should be addressed to and state reasons for requesting an extension.
Please note: possession of a prepaid Yogacard does not confer any priority right or guarantee a place in any particular class.

Westminster City Save

London Borough of Westminster residents who have a City Save card are eligible to:

Click the following link to see our listing on the Westminster City Save website, City Save cards must be presented at the time of each purchase. The card is for personal use only and may not be used for multiple purchases or to buy classes or courses on behalf of any other person.

Studio Class Concessions

Our yoga class prices incorporate concessions available to members for studio classes with proof of status:

  • Under 25s and full-time students
  • Pension Credit claimants
  • Job Seekers Allowance (JSA) claimants
  • Employment & Support Allowance (ESA) claimants
  • Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payment claimants

Membership is required to access concessionary rates. Proof of concession no older than 3 months must be presented when purchasing membership to access  concessionary rates. Concessions are not available for some pre-booked courses and workshops.

If you do not meet the criteria above but would like to discuss affordability, please contact us at

Livestream Class concessions Members receiving Jobseekers Allowance (JSA), Pension Credit and Employment & Support Allowance (ESA) can email proof to to obtain the concessionary rate for livestream classes. Concessionary rates are only available to purchase online for annual members. Please call the office to make payment.

Nurses Half Price Beginners Classes Nurses can claim half price Beginners classes at the concessionary rate of £9.25. Please bring proof of profession. No membership required.

Discounted Introduction to Iyengar yoga Course We have a dedicated number of concessionary places for students receiving Jobseekers Allowance (JSA), Pension Credit and Employment & Support Allowance (ESA) on our Introduction to Iyengar yoga Courses. The usual price for the six week course is £85 and includes two free Beginners class and 3 month Iyengar Yoga London Membership. The concessionary places include the same benefits and cost £25. Find out more >


  • The full price of any workshops must be paid at the time of booking to reserve a place.
  • If you are offered a place on a waiting list for a workshop, or series of linked workshops, no charge will be made until a place is confirmed.
  • No refunds will be given for cancellations received less than 7 days from the day of the workshop or the first day of a linked series of workshops.
  • Refunds may be granted when the cancellation notice is received by us more than 7 days before the workshop, or before the first day of a series of linked workshops, only where we are able to fill the place cancelled from any waiting list. Repayment will be made only when the cancelled place is filled.
  • Cancellations will be deemed to have been received by Iyengar Yoga London when made in person or by telephone to one of our receptionists, or sent by email to
  • Where there is no waiting list or no student on the waiting list is able to take up the cancelled place, no refund will be given.
  • Workshop bookings are not transferable. Iyengar Yoga London reserves the right to offer any cancelled place to a student on any waiting list giving such priority as it deems fit.
  • An administration charge of £10 will be deducted for each workshop or for each day of a series of linked workshops from any refunds granted.
  • Booking a workshop place or joining a waiting list does not guarantee that the workshop will take place and Iyengar Yoga London reserves the right to cancel a workshop, series of workshops or part of a series of workshops without notice and for any reason.
  • Iyengar Yoga London will grant a full refund of fees paid if it cancels a workshop for any reason. In the case of a part cancellation of a series of workshops a pro rata refund based on the total teaching hours of the series of workshops will be granted.
  • In the event of cancellation by Iyengar Yoga London no administration fee will be charged.

Registered Company No. 4431832 | Registered Charity No. 1092322