Questions & queries

For queries about class times, class levels, prices, teacher training and workshops please email us using the form below or call us on +44 20 7624 3080.



All written comments and suggestions from members and visiting students are recorded by the office team so they can be shared with the Board of Trustees and Teaching Committee. Your thoughts on the building, facilities, team and classes help us celebrate what’s going well and make improvements.

You are welcome to speak to our office team, but if you would like your comments to be reviewed, please use the subject line ‘Feedback’ with this email address so we can make sure it is passed on to the right decision-makers in the organisation

If you would like your feedback to be treated anonymously please mention this in your email and the office team will keep a record of your comments and pass them on to the appropriate members of the organisation without using your name.

Teaching Committee

The Teaching Committee represents the interests of our Iyengar Yoga London teaching team. Our teachers serve on the Teaching Committee for a term of three years and meet regularly to discuss timetabling, teaching, yoga facilities and Iyengar yoga best practice at the centre, in order to make recommendations to the Board of Trustees. The Teaching Committee plays a vital role in the organisation with its focus on maintaining the high teaching standards that have been part of the centre since it opened.

If you are an Iyengar Yoga London teacher and would like to get involved in the Teaching Committee or would like to feed back any comments relating to the timetable, facililties, and your experience as a teacher, please email