Become an Iyengar Yoga London member to practise yoga at its authentic London home. Enjoy special rates and access our extensive Iyengar yoga programme, with fantastic teachers and like-minded people.

Annual membership will save you £125 (£70 net) each year, if you attend just one class per week.

Member’s annual saving (classes booked separately)
Class Visitor Price Member Price Members saving per class Saving 1 class per week (50 classes) Annual membership Net Annual saving (1 class per week)
60 mins £11 £8.50 £2.50 £125.00 £55.00 £70.00
90 mins £15 £12.75 £2.25 £112.50 £55.00 £57.50
120 mins £18 £16.00 £2.00 £100.00 £55.00 £45.00

Combine Yoga Card savings with annual membership, and you’ll make big savings: £115 (net) if you attend just one class per week – rising to £456 (net) if you attend three classes per week.

Member’s saving with Yoga Card (90 min class examples) – 11 classes for price of 10
Member Price Members saving/class Annual saving Annual membership Net Annual Saving
1 class per week £11.59 £3.41 £170.50 £55.00 £115.50
2 classes per week £11.59 £3.41 £341.00 £55.00 £286.00
3 classes per week £11.59 £3.41 £511.50 £55.00 £456.50
  • Extensive Iyengar yoga activities programme
  • Reduced rates for classes
  • Early booking privileges
  • Discounts for events and workshops
  • Self practice sessions in the studio

Click on the ‘Buy Now’ button below for you preferred Iyengar Yoga London membership package. You will then be prompted to create a free account on the Iyengar Yoga London e-commerce and booking system at MindBody (or log-in if you already have a MindBody account).

NOTE: You’ll need a MindBody account in order to make purchases from us, or once you’re a member, to book or attend classes.

Annual Membership £55

This is our most cost effective membership option working out at less than £5 per month.

Annual Membership also qualifies you to vote at general meetings of the company and to stand for election to the Board of Trustees after a qualifying period of 1 year.

3 Month Membership £25

Members are entitled to:

  • Attend regular yoga classes and workshops
  • Buy a Yogacard or Monthly Class Card
  • Receive free copies of our journal, Dipika
  • Receive concessions on our regular yoga class prices, if eligible

Please note that this is an ‘associate membership’ that does not carry voting rights.

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Join now to access our extensive Iyengar yoga programme

Whatever stage or level of Iyengar yoga you are at, you’ll find what you need at our centre. As an Iyengar Yoga London member you enjoy access to our extensive programme of studio based and livestream classes, including our renowned six week introduction to Iyengar yoga course, workshops and specialist classes – all led by world-class teachers.

We ask all of our regular students to join as members, as we are run as a charity and rely on our membership income and yoga class fees to fund our activities. Iyengar Yoga London is a registered charity and an affiliated organisation of Iyengar Yoga (UK).


Students can attend classes at the studios and Livestream classes as visitors; however, we encourage you to become an Iyengar Yoga London member if attending classes regularly.

“Yoga is a light which, once lit, will never dim. The better your practice, the brighter the flame.”
B.K.S. Iyengar

Students practising virabhadrasana standing position

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Standing one leg balance position