Embedding an inclusive, diverse and equitable Iyengar yoga teaching culture

Jaki Nett, the first African American Iyengar yoga teacher to be awarded senior certification, is leading this year’s Iyengar Yoga (UK) Convention. As part of the programme, there will be a livestream discussion and Q&A on inclusion, diversity and equity on 4th February. Please see details below

We invite you to join us at the IYL studios where we will be livestreaming the discussion. The talk will be projected in the studio and there will be tea and cake afterwards.

This is an informal event for us to come together to share ideas and hopes for the future of Iyengar Yoga London and the wider Iyengar community. We would be grateful if you could RSVP so we have an idea of numbers.


Saturday 4th February

5.30 – 7.00pm


An Introduction to the work of the Iyengar Yoga UK Association’s Equity Committee with panel contributions and discussion with Jaki Nett

IY(UK) and its members are committed to an ongoing process of growth and change so that equity, diversity and inclusion aren’t just ‘bolted on’, but woven it into the fabric of our practice and teaching.

We know that any body can do yoga, so we aim to open debate on why this isn’t happening?

As part of the session we will aim to explore our thought processes and unconscious bias in the yoga class teaching situation. We will be guided by Iyengar yoga teachers and trainees with lived experience of discrimination, to develop awareness of the barriers both physical and attitudinal that create exclusion.

Attendees will have the opportunity to consider the skills required to teach inclusively, supported by Jaki and our Equity Committee, in a friendly and supportive environment

If you can’t join us at the studio, the livestream discussion is free. Sign up here >

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