Genie Hammond

We are sad to announce the death of Eugenie (Genie) Laura Hammond on 26 September 2017. She was born in Islington, North London on 18 March 1929.  Genie was one of the founding members and the first secretary of the South East England Iyengar yoga Institute, a network of Iyengar yoga practitioners in south England established in 1981 which became the Iyengar yoga Institute Maida Vale. She not only helped financially with the acquisition of the land and the original building at Maida Vale, but she and her family helped in every practical way to make it such a special place.

In 1983 when the Institute opened for classes she was the first chair. Her devotion to BKS Iyengar was deep, while he was very fond of her great wit and commitment to Iyengar yoga.  Apart from being a gifted teacher, she was a specialist in remedial yoga and the first editor of Dipika. We are immensely grateful for her invaluable support for this Institute.

Her wake will take place on Monday, 16 October at 12 noon at Flat 5, Precista Court, Orpington High Street, Orpington BR6 OLA. Condolence letters can be sent to the above address.

The family has asked for no flowers but please find links to Genie’s preferred charities below.

Message from the Iyengar family following the news of Genie’s death:

It is very saddening news. Genie was very close to us. In fact two months back she had written a letter informing us about her poor health.

And now she is no more with us. We can never forget her. She has done a great service to spread the message of Iyengar yoga.

Even for Maida Vale she has rendered free service. The new generation may not know her noble service and her sacrifice. But we the old generation cannot forget her. She is always in our hearts. 

I wish that the new generation will recognise her work in the yogic field. May her soul rest in peace.

Convey our condolences to her family and the Iyengar yoga family.

Yours sincerely,

Geeta, Prashant and all of us of the Iyengar family

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