Supta padanghustasana

Did you know that some yoga poses can help lower the temperature of the body?

Try the three postures below, recommended by IYL teacher Korinna Pilafidis-Williams and demonstrated here by our Judy Smith, to stay cool and calm in the hot weather this week.

Please work to your own capacity for a healthy heatwave!


1. Supta Padangusthasana

The leg extended to the side is supported on a bolster and the foot of the leg on the floor is pressed firmly into the wall.

Keep both heels strong and legs straight. Lengthen the sides of your trunk.

Supta padanghustasana


2. Adho Mukha Upavistha Konasana

Forward bends with head support help to quiet the mind.

A bolster on a chair is a soft support for the forearms and forehead. Ensure that your forehead sit resting and your nose and mouth are free to breathe.

Check your knees and toes are pointing straight up. Keep both heels strong and legs straight. Lengthen the sides of your trunk.

Iyengar yoga teacher demonstrates Adho Mukha Upparista Konasana


3. Urdhva Prasarita Tadasana

Let the wall and the belt around your feet support your legs.

Straighten your legs and feel the work in your outer hips.

Release your trunk, arms, head and neck passive.

Iyengar yoga teacher demonstrates Urdhva Prasarita Padasana

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